The Foundation

Azolla is a unique plant that can help reduce man-made climate change and provide biofertilizer, livestock feed, food and renewable energy anywhere in the world.

The Azolla Foundation was set  up by Azolla Biosystems Ltd founders Alexandra and Jonathan Bujak to provide a platform for sharing information about azolla and its contribution to new technologies such as space exploration and planetary colonization.

Alexandra Bujak did her degree in Environmental Science, focusing her dissertation on optimum harvesting times of azolla’s yield to maximize CO2 sequestration. She now works closely with smallholder farmers, building networks on both a community and global scale to increase farmers’ environmental sustainability and profitability.

Dr Jonathan Bujak is a palaeontologist who has spent 40 years studying climate change in the Arctic. He was involved with the only two expeditions to core sediments beneath the North Pole – the 1979 Lomonosov Ridge Experiment (LOREX) and the 2004 Arctic Coring Expedition (ACEX) which discovered the 50 million year old Arctic Azolla Event.

Their book ‘The Azolla Story’ was published as an ebook in December 2020. For more information visit ‘The Azolla Story’.

We hope that you will share our enthusiasm for this remarkable plant and help us find new ways to work with it to benefit mankind and the other species that share our beautiful planet.

Please contact us by email at You can also visit the Azolla Foundation on its Facebook page:
